Pacific Salmon Foundation - Partnered Initiatives (Continuous Intake)


The Pacific Salmon Foundation makes grants to organizations that undertake Pacific salmon conservation and restoration or science and research. Sometimes, when necessary, the Foundation will actually spearhead and execute a specific project. These are typically larger-scale, strategically-critical projects that would otherwise not be undertaken without the Foundation’s involvement. The Foundation partners with government agencies, other non-profits, businesses and volunteers to make Partnered Initiatives successful. Partnered Initiatives are subject to the same level of technical review required of applicants to the Foundation’s Community Salmon Program, though there is more flexibility in terms of match and volunteer requirements.

Application Deadline: Continuous Intake

Applications must be received in the Office of Research and Innovation a minimum of 5 business days in advance of submission to the funding agency. Applications must be submitted to the Office of Research and Innovation via Romeo. Please allow enough time for Chair and Dean Approval.

Funding Description

Contact Information

Jacqui Dockray, Research Project Officer
Phone: 250-960-6357